02/10/2019: ScotEID will be the new home for cattle recording in Scotland.

ScotEID is preparing to incorporate births, deaths and movements for cattle on the ScotEID.com website, replacing the BCMS/CTS for Scottish cattle keepers.

The new system is designed to accommodate Cattle EID from the outset and will become an all-species database, essential to more quickly manage disease outbreaks.

The ScotEID team is planning a series of roadshow events to take place throughout Scotland from October until March to explain more about the system.

Royal Highland Show 20-23 June 2019

ScotEID is back at the Royal Highland Show this year. There are demonstrations from the ScotEID Technical Team on the Cattle EID Pilot, UHF tags and readers, and they are there to answer questions. The ScotEID Information Centre team is back to help with queries connected to Sheep, Pig and ScotMoves movements, as well as any BVD questions. There is also information available on ScotEquine.com and SmartRural is present to show the LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) kit and to talk about their Pilot Project.

Please come along and visit us on the 7th Avenue.

14/05/2019: Confirmed cases of Swine Dysentery in Scotland

Several cases of swine dysentery have been confirmed in the north-east and the source of the infection remains unclear.

You are advised to take immediate precautions to minimise the risk of infectious material coming onto your farm. This bacteria is spread by physical contact so the big risks are incoming pigs, vehicles, people and equipment. Make sure you have ample disinfectant and consider increasing strength in cold weather. Attached are three information sheets giving more detailed advice.

13/03/2019: Cattle EID

Further to the news item of 31/08/2018 (see below), the proposed implementation dates for cattle EID in Scotland are likely to be delayed; however, they will still be subject to industry consultation and approval. EU exit and some other factors out with Scottish Government’s control have impacted on planned timescales.

Subject to the Scottish Government consultation exercise, electronic identification (EID) of cattle will be phased-in for Scotland over the next few years. New proposed dates for implementation will be confirmed as soon as possible.

17/10/2018: African Swine Fever

Do you keep pigs, even just as pets...?

African swine fever is spreading in eastern and central Europe. This disease only affects pigs but is highly contagious and often fatal. If it were to reach the UK it would have a devastating effect on the health of our pigs and on domestic and international trade of pigs and pork.

Please see the poster and letter below for more information and advice: